


Nowadays human have made enormous progress in education but they do not really know themselves. Even though we have learned a lot about all other thinks, it is useless if we know nothing about ourselves. At present, some developed people are fed up with materials, they are looking back at themselves and search for what they really are (what am I?).

  The only one who could clarify this problem is himself. Every human is capable of knowing himself if he knows the right way to think.  Initially Buddhism has taught the right way to think. This book, “What am I?” has discussed about the right way to think. Thus, all those who are looking and searching for themselves keep searching for themselves and help other people to understand themselves.


                                                                     Techapanyo phikku

                                                                     Buddhabutr Habitat

                                                                     Sichang Island

                                                                     Chon Buri THAILAND




1. What am I?

This is the question for those “who are looking for the truth”. Yes, we all want the answer but no one can give us the real answer.  Several religions in the world could provide only the belief which is both unsounded and nonscientific.

If we study life under the scientific method, we could find an unexpected answer which is not acceptable by those strictly bound to the religion.

If you are interested, we may study on “What am I?” Perhaps we could find the fact of life and all the living without dependence on any person because we could clearly understand the fact of life and reality.


2. What is the scientific principle?

In brief, the scientific principle is based on reasons, systematic analysis and use of facts (the facts should derive from the proving tests until they are reliable). That is the principle, which we will employ to study on “what am I?”

  Why do we go on this path? That is, if we could look for the actual reason, not the philosophy, which we will accept because it is scientific. (Philosophy is to conclude from surrounding reasons which have not been verified).


3. Where can we do study?

There are a lot of things to study in this universe but we do not have to study all because it is unnecessary.  If we really know ourselves, we could understand all the living and the world properly because they come from same root.

4. What is the same root?

In this universe, things are governed by the “ultimate rule of the universe”.  Everything (objects and non-objects or spirits) in this universe is governed by this ultimate rule.  Nothing is above the control of this ultimate rule (or nothing is beyond the control of nature). Some may call the ultimate rule “God”.


5. What is the ultimate rule of the universe?

The ultimate rule of the universe is:  that if things are to happen, there is a cause or if there is cause, there is a result and if there is a result, there a causeOn the contrary, nothing could happen without a cause.

It is quite unbelievable that we could gain understanding in “what am I?” from this rule.


6. How can we use this rule?

For example, the light comes from fire. If there is no fire, there will be no light. A single result may come from different cause while the result could become a cause of a new result.

This rule shows a chain reaction where there are intertwined relations.     All results “incurred” may be called a “combined element” (constructed or made or produced). For example, an atom is a combined element of proton, neutron and electron or an object is a combine element of numerous atoms (a lot of atom staying together).  Both object and atom are call the “combined element”(which is combined and which other thing).


7.   What will happen next?

All combined elements posses three following characters.

1.                Impermanence.

2.                Suffering.

3.                No-self (emptiness).


8. What is impermanent?

The combined element is impermanent because it will come to an end sooner or later.  No combined element is able to stay permanent forever because all the combined element are relied on their cause or origin. When such cause has gone, the combined element will be terminated soon. In sum, “when things could come to an existence, such things will finally come to an end”.


9.What is suffering?

Contents of any object are required to stick together to mark an object. If they cannot stand any more, the object will come to an end. Obviously, our body is a good example, which has to endure existence, coldness, heat, hunger, pain or exhaustion. That is what our body has to endure. If the level of endurance has increased, it is called “physical suffering”. If it has decreased, it is called “physical happiness”. Regarding our mind, if our endurance has gone up, it is called “suffering”. If it has gone down, it is called “enjoyment” (or minimum suffering, religiously it is called “Nirvana” which means cessation of suffering).


10.What is no-self?

The reason that “all combined element” are impermanent and have to suffer so there is no real substance. All things incurred are a “temporary state” or  “illusion” caused by creation of nature (that is, causes have created the thing).

All objects are basically relied on material elements to create themselves while the mind is dependent on the physical body as a basis to create an abstract elements (mental elements).

